Turquoise Stone Jewelry - Bracelets, Rings & More
Turquoise, also known as Firuze, is a non-transparent (opaque) blue-green stone. It is used in the production of many jewelleries from the ancient Egyptian age. The Turquoise Stone is also a symbol of peace.
Turquoise increases the balance when used with silver. It enhances the healing powers of those who carry it and helps them to increase their wisdom. It is a stone that can be used every day. Especially when buried in silver, the effect increases and provides balance. It can be used as a belt buckle, bracelet or a ring.
Effectiveness against misfortune
Turquoise is believed to protect against misfortune and thus is the most used stone by women as jewellery. It is particularly useful for the digestive system when used as a belt buckle. Some are found in the gold vein. It provides calmness of the being and peace to the user. Turquoise strengthens the body and at the same time, the person who uses it lives happily.
Calms the anxiety
It is useful to calm the people who have experienced a shock from an event. It gives them the feeling of peace that people in this situation need.
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